About College
The foundation of State Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Lucknow was laid in the year 1948 in the premises of K.G. Medical College, Lucknow under the vice chancellorship of Late Acharya Narendra Dev with the inspiration of Late Chandrabhanu Gupta. Dr. V.S. Yagnik was the first principal cum medical Suptt. of this college and subsequently the college development through the concerted efforts of Successive Principals.
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MD (Kayachikirsa, Kriya Sharir, Rachna Sharir, Kaumar Bhritya, Dravyaguna, Ras Shastra, Prasuti, Maulik Siddhant, Evam Samhita)
AY. Nursing
AY. Pharmacist

Shri Yogi Adityanath
Hon'ble Chief Minister
Uttar Pradesh

Dr. Daya Shankar Mishra 'Dayalu'
Hon'ble Ayush Minister
Uttar Pradesh

Shri Ranjan Kumar, IAS
Principal Secretary, Ayush U.P.

Shri Hari Kesh Chaurasiya, IAS
Special Secretary, Ayush U.P.

Shri Manvendra Singh, IAS
Director General, Ayush U.P.

Prof. (Dr.) A.K. Singh
Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, Maha Yogi Gorakhnath Ayush University, Gorakhpur U.P.
Principal's Message

Prof. Makhan Lal
(Principal & Superintendent)
With its objective to cater higher education to the unserved and underserved the areas State Ayurvedic College & Hospital, Lucknow. More...
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Contact Detail
State Ayurvedic College & Hospital
Tulsidas Marg, Turiyaganj,
Lucknow - 226004 (U.P.), India