Ayurveda and Arthritis
Emanating the specialty clinical practices in Ayurveda
Idiosyncratic adversity reported after oral consumption of an ayurvedic
formulation containing bhallataka
Effects of a multi route (oral and nasal) application of Lasunadya Ghrita
(An ayurvedic formulation) in cases of primary depression
Use of Saline Nasal Irrigation (Jala Neti) in SARS-CoV-2 Infection and its Complications Like Mucormycosis Needs to be Given a Serious Consideration
Jalaneti (saline nasal irrigation) as primary intervention in suspected
rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis helps improving the recovery
Herbal Immune Booster-Induced Liver Injury in the
COVID-19 Pandemic – A Cautious Interpretation is Desired Before Any Generalization is Attempted
Scope of specialty practice in Ayurveda
Predicting and preventing diabetes
A survey of patients visiting an Ayurvedic teaching hospital for factors
influencing the decision to choose ayurveda as a health care provider